Friday, October 25, 2013

The Impact of "The American Reparation Plan'

I believe that  a disproportionate amount of   America’s great wealth is directly related to slave labor and cheap labor provided by Black Americans over the years.  In other words, our ancestors worked their fingers to the bone so  that White Americans  and others will have the opportunity to live in this great land and prosper while  African Americans are expected to work significantly harder than any other race of people and come out with short end of the stick.  I am tired of this being played out constantly.

It’s time for a change.

The sad story is that many  African Americans believe that they are in a hopeless situation. Let’s talk about truth now. I believe that many Americans are satisfied with fact that Black people are assigned to an  unequal status.  That is totally wrong. Sometimes we are guilty of not demanding equal treatment for ourselves and we shouldn’t accept this expected position in society.

Where is the outrage?

 Are  we so complacent with phrases like “when the larger community catch a cold the Black community gets pneumonia.”  It’s a true statement but I am tired of hearing it .  There is no way in the world that this    statement should be true  but it is. Have you forgotten about the plight of Black America?
After all this is the United States Of America,” One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and Justice For All.” Have we forgotten that?  Or do we remember it only when we need all the races to fight a war?
. My White Brothers you are tire of hearing this too aren’t you? I hope so. Because We can do something about this.  It takes commitment. It takes a long term commitment. Right now America is not fully committed.
So much of these problems can be solved by money. It costs America Billions of dollars every year to keep Black America “ in it’s place.” Why not use that same money to lift us up?  Solve some of the financial woes of the Black community is relatively simple and less expensive than what’s in place now.

It’s cheaper to set Black America free than to hold on to some kind of economic bondage.  This the 21st century and  All have to change our mindsets .
Some segments of the Black community are in dire straits financially. This is not mentioned much in the media by the way. It’s taboo.  It seems that the focus of the media is on maladies of the African American community with no attention on how we got here.
We did not  get in this shape on our own. We have had lots of help. That’s obvious.
We have had many many years of oppression and neglect. Let’s not fool ourselves by thinking they there is a silver bullet to erase the past.
 I know we can’t live in the past but we can forget it either.
We need a long term  commitment and support from our Federal & Local  Governments.
 There is no magic bullet. I want America to make progress on closing the income  gap between Blacks and Whites in America as soon as possible. I  don’t want future generations facing   some of these unsolved economic problems in  the 22nd  century.   We should focus on solving these problems now. Close these unfair income  gaps.  There shouldn’t be a disparity among the races. After all this is the land of opportunity for all.
No way we should be discussing inequities of any sort between the races of people even in the 21st century. We squander huge opportunities for our nation when we do this. Let’s raise expectations of all America by valuing all her citizens.

 After all we are all part of one human family. Whoever tell you anything different is not  operating with all the facts. Please forgive them.
  I don’t want  a greater opportunity than all the rest. I want an equal opportunity under the law. I want an equal opportunity to achieve  my financial goals.  This country should dedicate herself to making this a reality for all her citizens and not for select groups .  Everybody should be committed to this ideal in my opinion because it makes it better for everybody in America and perhaps the world. It  seems to  me the US should have this as a priority too.    It makes sense to me. 
   All America have benefited from the   extremely hard work Black American  ancestors  have provided  to this American system. They  worked generation after generation with one goal in mind. That goal was to make it better for future generations.. They have succeeded beyond belief and I am so grateful. They were forced to work for free believing that one day their offspring’s will enjoy the fruits of their labor.
It’s a  beautiful thing to know even in their deaths my ancestors are still contributing to the wealth and well being of their beloved country. That’s deep. They are connected to this country in a big way even today.
But now is our time and responsibility to finish the race.
This effort requires all of us to do our very best to make this a reality. Let’s get started. It’s already late.
The greatest  nation in the history of the world owes much of her greatness to a voiceless people.  History is the witness.  
It’s time  for America to “come out of the closet” and acknowledge that  just honoring African Americans for past contributions is not enough.  We need to be paid  damages so we can take control of our own destinies and level the playing field as much as possible.
Don’t you agree that  this present system is skewed and  flawed?
This country owe  us this much. I also stated earlier that no amount of money can justify what happen in the past but I can assure you that many problems  can be solve by money.
 That’s  why I am proposing The American ReparationPlan. This plan will last at least 30 years. Each Adult African American  will receive $2500-$3000/ month over 30 years.
No new taxes  will be propose to pay for this plan. Now that’s a Miracle.
The American Reparation Plan will Cut  the entireWelfare and Food Stamp Programs as Much as 30%!
Do I have your attention yet?
Read on.
 Listen to me.
This plan will work.  I am so sure of this. It just makes common sense.
I  am so excited that day by day I  am inspired by another unintended benefit of this stimulus plan.
This is exciting g stuff to me! It’s inspired .
It is also an economic plan that will stimulate the economy from the bottom up. I coined this new phrase . It’s “trickle up” economics .  Everybody will benefit from this plan .  Now that’s just plain cool.

Today is the right day  for  us to enjoy the fruits of our ancestor’s  labor. Historically African Americans disproportionately contributed to the wealth and greatness of this nation. Today we are doing the same thing. It’s time for us to reap the fruits of the promise land too. No way in the world is it fair  for our unemployment rate  to be so high. This is no accident.
Let’s face  it. 
We will  not catch up financially at this rate of  economic growth.  
Can we talk? This system is not designed for us to catch up. There is no governmental commitment to do so.
The American Reparation Plan is our inheritance. Let’s go get it. Let’s petition our Government for our inheritance.
 We’ve got money in the bank.
Again,I am so tired of hearing the phrase” when the larger community catch a cold the Black community has pneumonia.” True statement but it is something that US should be ashamed of. We as American cannot become hopelessly complacent.
Let’s think outside the box!
 Many of the problems in the Black community can be solved.
The Black Community can’t solve all their problem by themselves nor should they be expected. Our problems are America’s problems. We do not live on an island. We do not operate in isolation. Never have operated in isolation and probably never will. 
 That’s the radical truth.
 The right kind of financial plan  will solve many  problems in the Black community.

 A plan like “The American Reparation Plan” has never been tried. I am not skeptical at all. I am sure it will work better than what we have now. The present plan is broken.
 Black America’s ancestors  supplied countless man hours of free and cheap labor? America prospered greatly because of this. In other words, No way  for America  to be so great without  all the great contribution of  Black America. We all can agree. Can’t we?

I go a step future and say that we help paved the roads for all American.  European immigrants are probably the greatest benefactors. Our ancestor’s investment of free and cheap labor  allowed  many immigrants to prosper and adjust to the American way .
 We are  truly a nation of immigrants. All have benefited from this free and cheap labor except the Black man himself. It’s time that he benefited  as well.  It’s the right thing to do . So let us do it.

   Can you imagine any  business owner  today  with free labor?  That  will give them an  unbelievable  unfair advantage  over  their competitors?  Labor cost   makes up most of the expense of doing business in America. Business owners know this.  The work place is always evolving, If you are a business owner wouldn’t it  be nice if you had no labor cost or  very low labor cost all the time? This is what happened for many years to the African American community. We have made sacrificial contributions to this beloved land. Why shouldn’t we be rewarded appropriately now?  I don’t think  being paid for our work is not asking too much. It’s only fair and just
There is no greater time in history to bring reparations to pass than now. I believe this so passionately.  The time is right.
 This is  the greatest opportunity in history to do this. So let’s not  drag our feet anymore. Let’s do it now!
In recent years there have been several attempts to  rescue and stimulate this American economy. Some credit President Obama and his allies for stabilizing the banks and wall street, the rescue of Auto makers in Detroit(GM stands for Government Motors some critics say).  In other words, under President Obama’s leadership, this country’s was brought back from the economic abyss. I agree with this assessment. 
But the recent attempts to stimulate the economic did not “trickle down to huge segments of the Black community.
The struggle is  still great for many African Americans . Paying Black American  for past and present injustices  is quite appropriate at this time.

You may ask what is reparation.? Reparation means the act of making amends or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury;
Reparations for slavery is the idea that some form of compensatory payment should be made to the descendants of those who have been enslaved by the Atlantic Slave Trade.
 The reason I named  this plan, “The American Reparation Plan”  is because it is appropriate. All of America will benefit. Why not call it that?

The American  Reparation Plan  will work as a stimulus for all Americans no matter their socio economic level because it stimulates the economy from the bottom to the top. No segment of society will be left out. The sweet thing about this plan is that it will not increase tax $1.  The plan will redirect  the roughly $65 billion from the welfare and food stamp programs and send it to all  qualified adult African American in the US.  This will cover about 90% of the Black population.
  I will name a few industries to make my point. Banks will benefit, all areas of automotive industry, furniture, housing industry(including new and existing; and renovations-repairs, appliances, roofing, etc.) electronics, Iphones, computers,etc… all will benefit as well. Get the picture?
Voice your opinion and get involved.  Start today!
Horace Justice

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson Sinks To A New Low

In 1865, American slavery ended with the Confederate surrender at Appomattox Courthouse and the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment.

Since that time, these things have happened:

In 1871, fire destroyed the city of Chicago.

In 1896, the Supreme Court legalized segregation.

In 1906, an earthquake leveled the city of San Francisco.

In 1929, the stock market crashed, plunging the nation into the Great Depression.

In 1941, more than 2,400 Americans died in a sneak attack upon Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

In 1963, the president of the United States was murdered in Dallas.

In 1974, a president resigned in scandal and disgrace.

In 2001, 3,000 people died in a terrorist attack.

In 2005, a hurricane swamped the Gulf Coast.

In 2008, corporate greed brought the nation to the brink of economic collapse.

But the most awful thing America has faced in the last 148 years is a law Congress passed in 2010 requiring that those who are able, purchase health insurance.

So says Ben Carson, celebrated neurosurgeon and newly minted star of the extreme political right. Speaking last week in Washington before the so-called Values Voter Summit, he said, "Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is ... in a way, it is slavery."

At one level, the comment is sadly unremarkable. Carson is only obeying commandments that are evidently chiseled on a stone tablet somewhere for all the extreme right to follow:

Thou shalt not understate;

Thou shalt not be thoughtful;

Thou shalt not make a lick of sense.

Accordingly, it has become common for the extremes to liken health-care reform to slavery. This juxtaposition, asinine on its face, has been embraced by New Hampshire state legislator Bill O'Brien, Rep. John Fleming and Rush Limbaugh, among others. Again: not surprising. Hyperbolic nonsense is the water in which the extremes swim.

But, of course, the claim carries a different weight coming from Carson by dint of the fact that he is African-American. It becomes a gift to the white right, inoculating them (or so they will surely feel) against charges of racism or racial insensitivity when they say the same stupid thing. That Carson would give that gift suggests an unseemly obsequiousness, an eagerness to please at all costs, even if that cost is one's own soul.

The Affordable Care Act, should it need saying, may be a bad law, may be a good law, may be something in between. But it is assuredly not "the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery."

In making that claim to the enthusiastic approval of a room full of white conservatives, Carson is, ironically, reminiscent of those slaves who identified so fully with "marse" and "ole miss," craved their approval so desperately, that they lost their very selves.

It is one thing for white conservatives to sing "nobody knows de trouble I'se seen" and proclaim themselves victims of slavery. It is quite another for an African-American man who, by definition, should know better, to second that delusion and thereby lend their racism a sheen of respectability.

The question of why he would so fully betray heritage is best left between Carson and his mirror -- or, perhaps, between Carson and his mental health professional. The effects of that betrayal are, however, easy enough to enumerate.

It calls into question Carson's grasp of basic history. It further damages the GOP "brand" and the party's professed goal of outreach.

Worse, it trivializes one of the great sins of the last millennium, urinates on the unmarked graves of ancestors for a cheap rhetorical stunt. As such, the statement is beneath contempt.

And Dr. Carson is, too.

 by Leonard Pitts, Jr.
Miami Harold

Don Lemon of CNN and Tells It Like It Is

DON LEMON: GOP ‘Stop Drinking the [Obama] Hater-aid’

 By Don Lemon

Let’s talk about the truth and some people who are not able to handle the truth.
What do you think would happen to you or me if we went and threw barricades at the White House? We’d be thrown in jail.
What do you think people would say to us? That we’ve lost our minds? That we should know better? Definitely, that’s what they would say.
But there are some who are defending the misdirected actions of some veterans and Tea Party members of calling the President a Muslim, ‘take your hand off the Quran come out with your hands up’, carrying confederate flags to the White House and basically vandalizing federal property by moving it and throwing it in front of the home of the Commander-in-Chief. It’s embarrassing.
Why are they doing this? Because they know this:
That Republicans are in trouble…deep trouble, they know it. They know the American people blame Republicans, Tea Party Republicans for hijacking the rest of the party and the American people and shutting down the government.
And it gets worse, if Republicans don’t wake up soon they’re doomed. Maybe they are already.
A recent Gallup poll shows the Republican Party is now viewed favorably by only 28% of Americans, down from 38% in September. That is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.
What they’re facing is what people in the business world call a damaged brand. It happened to Kmart. They let Walmart roll right over them. Blackberry did the same with Apple.
I asked the vice chairman of, Howard Bragman, what Republicans were thinking when it comes to brand management.
He said quite simply quote, they’re not thinking. They’re thinking about how to get out of quicksand he said. They were they’d have realized long ago, like Blackberry, they’re in need of a makeover.
That the Republican brand should be in transition as society progresses.
PR super agent Marvet Britto of the Britto Agency says they’re only thinking about how to stop a President they hate for whatever reason.
For that reason, and their inability to embrace the winds of change sweeping through our country,  there will never be another Republican President in our generation.  In our lifetime.
So, I say as the party dominated by aging white Americans and some very vocal bigots,  the Republican party no longer represents the changing demographics in this country.
And it’s hard for even members of their own party to believe that it’s the President’s fault that veterans can’t visit the World War 2 Memorial or that family members of war heroes aren’t receiving  death benefits because of the shutdown.
Not even their own party is buying it and the American people certainly aren’t buying it.
Republican party,  wake up before it is too late!
You’re going the way of the Edsel. The wrong vehicle at the wrong time or in this case, the wrong party at the wrong time.
Republicans, here’s the bottom line from those of us who are not watching from the forest.
You are  blinded by the Obama hate trees, fighting amongst yourselves, in a death spiral.
Google the term target fixation immediately!!!
Get on the same message. And stop drinking the hater-aid. It is leaving a bad taste in your mouths and the majority of America is recoiling from your bad breath.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Veterans of Today Are Not Respected Nearly Enough

Respect Veterans Today! Veterans of today are not respected nearly enough. Sometimes politics get in the way and do more harm than good. Right now that’s happening . Look at the plight of some of  our soldiers today. Some are in dire straight and it shouldn’t be in the greatest and richest nation in history. It is a shame. We can do better.

I was watching CNN special presentations a few days ago. This program focused on the economic plight of some our  military heroes of today. Now that the Iraq War is over and the Afghanistan War is winding down many veterans are finding it difficult to make ends meet. Their families are suffering financially because many are unemployed or under employed. Did you know that their unemployment rate is much higher than the national average? This can be fixed without a problem. Our nation lacks the political will to do so.  Let’s not forget that our soldiers make it possible for us to live free and participate in this free enterprise system. Make the connection. Even the rich is in danger of losing their fortunes  without a strong army. The rich and powerful have more to lose than anybody therefore they should be out front on this issue.

  We as a nation  just can’t   celebrate the soldiers on Veterans  Day or Memorial Day and call it a day. These warriors have financial needs. Their needs should be on the front burner and not the back burner.

How can we standby and say nothing. I can’t. We can do better as a nation.  The CNN Special focused on  Fort Stewart  Georgia. It was a heart wrenching story. All the soldiers wanted to be able to take care of their families and were not looking for a hand out. They just wanted a job that paid comparable to what they were making on active duty so they could take care of  their families.  Guess what?  I think I’ve got a solution. I need your help in getting this message out.

Since the Fort Stewart soldiers are engineers and just  fresh off building roads and bridges in Afghanistan my idea is get the unemployed soldiers all over the country rebuilding our infrastructure.  Wouldn’t it be cool if Congress could pay the soldiers rebuild our infrastructure? I think it will work.  It make sense to me. If you have political connections please pass this idea on to the powers to be.  

Our tax dollars will pay them one way or the other. We  are going to pay for unemployment benefits, food stamps, job training etc. Why not pay them for working? They are really good at it and they all want to earn a living by working. 

Put the veterans to work even if it means that the deficit will increase in the short term. They deserve the opportunity to make a decent living. Come on yall . You got to agree with me on this. We can not cast them aside like yesterdays’ newspaper. So what, in the short term it may increase the deficit but in the long term I think that this will add to employment numbers and improve the economy overall.  Most importantly the veterans will be appreciated and the nation will be better off because we can say we take care of our soldiers like no other nation in the world. I do not know what other nations are doing but I do know that we as the great United States can do much better than this.

I understand the political implications of my suggestion. Politics shouldn’t be a considerations because the soldiers keeps us all free no matter  with what party you aligned. Man we can do better than this. That’s my opinion. What’s yours? 

The Real Job Creators

Let’s be real. When talking  about the job creators who are we talking about? Many times when we hear Politicians and business owner use this term we are referring to Businesses and corporations large and small. Have you ever wonder the role of government in this equation ? Certainly, consumer plays probably the most important role because  you and I purchase goods and services and that expands the economy.

In  my opinion the consumer should be  call the real job creators. I once believed that businesses created the lion share of jobs and then  government. Let me tell you what got me thinking. I watched all the Republican debates and follow the presidential race almost daily and I noticed buzz words and talking points by many politician and “the job creators” has been very popular over  several months now,

I am  a small business owner . I’ve got a dog in this fight. I’ve  seen many well known CEOs and business people talk about this issue exhaustively and each had his personal agenda. They did not get the big picture .  When I hire an employee I need them yesterday or last week. In other words this is a huge decision for me. Think of the expense involve.. It’s an expensive undertaking to hire somebody  even if it is only minimum wage. Then you add the taxes and the benefits and then you got a really big expense.

  The consumer demands that you hire somebody by overwhelming you with sales and service demands. The last thing you want is another large expense   That’s the way it have been in my experience. I also remember when I did not understand this dynamic. The results were not immediate but  always disastrous in the long run.  Having too many employees is worse than not having enough. At the end of the day your hard work must pay off and there  is no worse feeling when you are broke because your overhead exploded beyond your income level repeatedly.  That’s not good at all. You can not achieve your financial goals this way.

 Is consumers the real “job creators?’ Nothing happens without them.  You can have the greatest business plans, marketing ideas, products or services but you will go nowhere with out customers. Consumption creates jobs.  All customers contributes no matter where they work. If they spend money they contribute. Government workers contribute to the economy too. The contrary is true also. We are all a part of a economic ecosystem. It is in all of our best interest that all able body people contribute. That’s my reality. Your comments are welcome.
Horace Justice

More info stimulus plan that create jobs and strengthen all Businesses

Monday, October 7, 2013

“Trickle Up Economics”

You may ask why The American Reparation Plan? Or what is this plan? I find this plan as the ultimate stimulus for the American economy. The money will go straight to the people. This will be  “trickle up”   economics as opposed to “trickle down” economic s made popular during the Reagan Era. It did not trickle down to the poor or portions of the middle class.   The money will be spent on all the products and services that are normal. The difference is they will have more money to buy more services and products to stimulate the economy from the bottom up. All socio-economic levels will benefit. No class of people will be left out.

My plan will redirect about 65 Billion dollars/year  from the welfare  and the food stamp program. These numbers represent at least 90% of the total  annual  payments  to African Americans in USA. Once The American Reparation Plan goes into effect 90% of all African American will be released from welfare and food stamps. Want that be great? There is lot of talk in Washington D C lately about cutting food stamps over 10 years. What a timely plan! My plan will cut welfare and food stamp rolls as much as 30- 35% easily.  My plan will  eliminate the need for welfare or food stamps for 90% of Black Americans. That’s unbelievable isn’t it? Sounds great to me. Put the money in The American Reparation Plan and watch America experience one the most prolific  and sustained economic stimulus ever used to date. This approach makes  more sense to me. What you think about it?

One of The Most Beautiful things about The American Reparation Plan is That it Will  Increase The Budget initially but will more cut the budget in the long haul. Hard to Believe isn’t it? It’s mind boggling to me . I get excited every time I think about the real likelihood that a plan like this is possible without a doubt.

This plan just makes sense. Let’s redirect this money to  a better use.
I tried to use  the devil’s advocate approach. Taking this position I find this to be impossible to find enough negative energy to stage an effective fight. This is  a strong plan. Why don’t you try to punch a hole in The American Reparation Plan? I welcome it in order to improve it. Fire away!

Each African American adult will receive a monthly income total raging $2500-$3000/ month depending on what the Congress will adopt. The more you get below $2,500 the less effect it will have on the economy

Adopt the  $5000/mon Plan and this puts  this economy on steroids.

That’s no joke. Adopt The American Reparation Plan  within 12-18 months you will see the unemployment rate start moving downward.
So, now that every adult  Black American has an extra $2,500/mon-$3000/mon , what will happen next?

 It’s a very good chance that some  people  will buy more cars, groceries, furniture, computers, ……. You get the picture. The economy will be stimulated in a methodical way. New jobs will be created in all these industries. New jobs will be  created in the Black community as well but most of the jobs will be created in the larger community Why you may ask?Well, most of  the employers are in the larger community.

You understand that. Don’t you? It’s the way it is far now. But many new businesses will be created by African Americans over the next 20 to 30 years when my plan is enacted. This plan gives us a fighting chance. It does not even the playing field but it will get us out of the funk that we are in right now. Forget the ‘trickle down’ economics  because people closer to the bottom of the economic  scale just do not benefit.

There you have it .  Now it’s time for action. Join me now. I want to hear from you

Thanks, Horace Justice